Saturday 21 May 2016

Rise and Revise

Hello again!

Sorry for not uploading in a while but here's why...Now, in a few days, I have some quite important exams coming up and I know this is such a normal post (and I think that I have established that I am not normal) but I wanted to share some of my best tips on how to survive the whole process.

1. Pick a playlist
While I revise I always listen to music in the background. One thing to remember is that you shouldn't really pick songs that you know every single word to *laughs nervously* because you will get distracted. Another thing, don't play the songs too loud because you won't be able to hear yourself think! I use Spotify so I can choose any song I want and when I do find one I like, for revision, it's usually a chill song rather than an extremely loud pop ballad with a really upbeat chorus. Listening to music helps me not get bored of what I'm doing and kind of keeps me concentrated for longer. Weird.

2. Just like Flash
This seems like exactly what teachers tell you to do. Make flash cards. I do enjoy making them though because I like to make them all pretty using felt tips and glitter pens. Wow I have not grown up. Also, I stick them everywhere in my house so that while I'm doing all of my normal (more or less) activities, I'm revising at the same time. I stick them with blu-tack on my mirror so I can learn about WW1 and WW2 whilst brushing my hair, repeat French verbs whilst brushing my teeth and knowing what a the Buddhism sacred text is called whilst watching Dance Moms. Take note people.

3. Kahoot
Kahoot is this cool website where you can make your own quiz for different subjects and you can let all of your friends play too. Although this is really good for revising because it's drilled into your brain more (not literally but you know what I mean) I sometimes use it for other things e.g. The other day, one of my close friends made a YouTube quiz which was really fun and you can play Kahoot quizzes on your laptop or your phone/iPad. Give it a try.

4. Scented Sleeping
Every night before and exam or if I'm just stressing I spray a bit of L'Occitane Brume D'Oreiller Pillow Mist over my bed and it soothes you and relaxes tou. Obviously you don't have to go out and buy that you could just use your favourite smell and just spray it on your pillow. Anyhow, it works a charm and I use it every year, for my 11+ and my Year 7 End of Year Exams.

Finally, relax. Take a chill pill and just sit back. Obviously make sure you are prepared but don't stress too much. I hope this post has helped you in any way. Thanks for reading.

Just a Fangirl aka Hannah


Monday 2 May 2016

Let's Go To The Movies!

Hello again!

This blog post was inspired by me watching one of my all time favourite movies yesterday. I decided to tell you (the one reader) about my picks and will be choosing my top 7 (I know it's meant to be top 5 but I can't narrow it down). This post will probably be a bit longer than the last and I just wanted to say that none of these are in order, they are just what I thought of at the time. So let's get started...

1. JUMANJI (1995)

This was the movie that I said I watched yesterday. I know this movie is really old and has dated animation and was made before I was born. But, it just is really good, I don't know if it's because I wish I was there or something like that. This stars the late Robin Williams who I adored so much for all of his impressions and role in Mrs Doubtfire.

This has been one of my most precious childhood memories and when I saw this on the list of recorded movies I was like: "I have to watch this right now." I have always wished that I could have the game board for this but without all of the monkeys and lions and mosquitoes obviously!

2. The Hunger Games Series (2012-2015)

The Hunger Games has been the actual best series I have ever laid my eyes on. I love the plot-line and the main love story. I am actually glad that Katniss chose Peeta over Gale (spoiler alert) because Liam Hemsworth is MINE.

My favourite movies in this series are the second and last and, although they missed out two whole characters in the second one, THEY ARE LIFE AND SHOULD BE PRAISED AND WORSHIPPED ERMAHGERD...

Anyways, J-Law is one of my most favourite actors/actresses (after The Hemsworths and Chris Pratt, obvs), I think she did a really good job and for like 4 years, I literally wanted to be an archer and know how to shoot arrows really well *nervous laughs and rubs back of neck*.

I really need to stop fangirling *slaps wrist, regrets what I just did and tries to make it up to my wrist*.

3. Grown Ups (2010 & 2013)

I must admit that I like the first Grown Ups much more than the second but these two movies had me crying by the time I was finished, it was so funny!

I love any movie that has Adam Sandler in anyway (which you will see at one of my other favourites). This movie will leave you in stitches and I could say that it might be one of the most hilarious movies ever.

For people that have Netflix, both of the movies are on there at your disposal. I don't have Netflix myself (I know right!) but I know this from my best friend.

This is a 12 so if you happen to be under, then I wouldn't really recommend it. However, this is a movie that you can watch with your parents and both laugh at.

4. Joe and Caspar Hit The Road (2015)

Again, this is also a 12 so yeah, but this is actually like my favourite movie ever. I'm a MASSIVE YouTube fan and I had to put this in here.

Joe and Caspar are two of my most favourite YouTubers, after Zoe and Alfie, they are royalty - obvs. This was a hilarious movie and I loved every second. I've always wanted to go to Italy anyway so the fact that they went, helped me see what it was like there.

I think that this movie was really well-made and was worth the wait. Later this year, Jaspar are going to be making a second movie about them touring America instead of Europe. I highly recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. Even if you're not really into YouTube, this will still leave you gripping your sides.

5. Harry Potter series (2001-2011)

Well, what can I say? This could possibly be on of the best series ever? Do I even need to recommend this? You must have seen them all anyway, right? Or is it just me?

This is an amazing series that deserves every award it has ever got. Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint pulled off an amazing performance and they just moved you.

In the last few, it does get more scary, for younger people. For me, I didn't get scared but I did jump a few times, some movies are like that.

Obviously, some people will like this more than others but if you haven't seen any of these movies yet than you should as soon as possible.

6. Blended (2014)

Like before, I love any movie with Adam Sandler in, but this just blew my mind. I adore the plotline and found it so funny.

I love the kids and the script in general and everything about it was really good :)

There are no other words to describe how good this movie is and I can confidently say that this is and most probably will always be my favourite movie ever.

The whole setting of this movie is incredible anyway and it all looks so pretty.

I strongly recommend this movie and even if you are under 12, well, rules are made to be broken, and besides, the 12 rating is just a piece of advice, right?

7. The Little Mermaid (1989)

I felt like this list of my favourite movies would not be complete until I added a Disney movie. The Little Mermaid has always been my absolute getaway and I love all the songs so much, I can sing all the words!

Ursula is my favourite (can you see that I've run out of ways to say favourite) villain of all time and I love her two sidekicks; Flotsam and Jetsam.

'Under the sea' and 'Part of your world' are two of the best Disney songs ever and should be sung everywhere and made as ringtones and text-tones.

Thank you for reading another one of these random blog posts and I hope that you found this useful in some way. These are just a few of my favourites but obviously there are soooooooooo many more amazing movies out there that I simply haven't seen yet. If you want, you could comment down below your favourite.

Just a Fangirl aka Hannah
